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Fairfield Hills Authority - 12/8/05
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a special meeting on Tuesday, December 8, 2005 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Robert Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Robert Geckle, William Lavery, Walter Motyka, Moira Rodgers, Donald Studley, Andrew Willie

ALSO PRESENT:  Jeff Cugno (O&G), Scott Baillie (O&G), one member of public

Public Participation:  None noted

Architect for Town Hall and Mothballing, Fairfield Hills Development Project
Mr. Willie advised that three firms were interviewed on 11/22/05 for architectural services and mothballing of buildings.  The interview committee consisted of Ms. Dent, Judge Lavery, Mr. Motyka, Ms. Rodgers, Mr. Geckle, Mr. Baillie, Ms. DeMarco, Mr. Cugno, Public Works Director Fred Hurley and a member of the Public Building & Site Commission.  All three firms were very good.  In discussion after the interviews, it was unanimously decided to choose Tai Soo Kim Partners of Hartford.  Mr. Cugno advised that he has asked for their fees and O&G would negotiate with them.   Mr. Studley asked why the committee chose this firm.  Mr. Willie answered that they seemed to be thinking “outside the box” and came up with ideas in their presentation that went beyond what they were asked to do.  In addition, the O&G representatives gave a good recommendation.
        Mr. Willie moved to recommend to the Board of Selectmen the selection of Tai Soo Kim Partners as architectural firm for the Town Hall and Mothballing, Fairfield Hills Development Project.  Mr. Lavery asked to add that the Board of Selectmen negotiate fees with the architectural firm and O&G Industries. Ms. Rodgers asked to add that this be contingent upon acceptable findings when due diligence has been performed.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Mr. Baillie stated that O&G will send a letter of intent to Tai Soo Kim Partners, contingent upon approval of the Board of Selectmen.  Mr. Willie asked Mr. Cugno and Mr. Baillie to send letters to the firms that were not chosen, thanking them for their responses to the RFP.

Landscape Architect for Playing Fields, Fairfield Hills Development Project
Mr. Willie advised that three firms were interviewed on 12/1/05 for landscape architectural services.  The interview committee also consisted of Parks & Rec Director Barbara Kasbarian, Asst. Dir. Carl Samuelson.  The group unanimously agreed on Vollmer Associates.  It is also recommended by the interview committee that Vollmer and Tai Soo Kim meet and work together for a unified theme at the campus.  
        Mr. Lavery moved to recommend to the Board of Selectmen the selection of Vollmer Associates LLP as landscape architects for the playing fields at Fairfield Hills, subject to negotiation of fees and due diligence done by the Board of Selectmen and O&G Industries.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Public Participation:  Mr. Dan Holmes, Farmery Lane, a contractor doing the Reed School playground, feels that now we have selected an architect, there should be public input on any plans.  Suggests holding a charrette.     

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

                                                                Jan Andras, Clerk